What Makes Your AC Unit Freeze Up in Alton, IL

AC unit freezing up Alton, IL

One problem that homeowners in Alton, IL may experience is their AC unit freezing up. You have noticed it when your AC unit was not working as well as it usually does, or you may see your unit frozen. There can be several different reasons why this is occurring, and it is important to find […]

Signs That Its Time To Change Your Furnace Filter in Alton, IL

furnace filter changing signs Alton, IL

One of the most important parts of any furnace is the filter. The furnace filter is what keeps dust, dirt, and debris from getting into your furnace. Every homeowner in Alton, IL needs to remember to change their filter regularly. This is because over time the filter will become so filthy that it will not […]

Why Your Air Conditioner Constantly Runs in Alton, IL

repairing an AC that is constantly running Alton IL

During the summertime in Alton, IL, your AC unit will need to run often in order to keep your home feeling cool and comfortable. Just because it is hot, however, does not mean your AC should be working every second of the day. Your AC unit should run on a cycle of running and resting. […]

Why Is My Air Conditioner Running Constantly?

Air Conditioner Fan

Let’s imagine an all-too-common scenario: It’s the middle of summer, 90 degrees outside and your A/C runs constantly, yet, you’re still not comfortable in your home. You’re paying huge sums of money every month to keep your air conditioner running, yet you don’t feel a difference. Unfortunately, this is a sign of a problem with […]