Things You Should Know Before Turning Your AC Back On For The Summer

AC Unit


The summer months can get hot and humid in Granite City, IL The last thing you need is a broken air conditioner to make things worse. We recommend scheduling an appointment with your local HVAC technician before you need to turn on that AC unit. But if you’re trying to wait it out this season and only rely on your AC, when necessary, there are some things you should know about getting you’re unit ready for another summer of use.

Air Conditioning

Keep the AC Unit’s Condenser Clean

The condenser is the device that cools your air conditioner’s refrigerant. If you don’t keep it clean, then dirt and other debris can clog up the fins that help to dissipate heat from inside your AC unit and block them from doing their job. To clean the condenser, remove the top of the unit and spray the dust from the inside out with a garden hose. Avoid using any chemicals during this process.

Checking for Water Leaks

Water Leakage from the PVC primary drain line in humid weather is normal only in small amounts. Excessive water leakage can be a sign of rust and could be an issue that needs the attention of a qualified HVAC technician. The primary drain line is located out of sight to allow the condensation that is created by all units to safely drain. The secondary drain line is in a more noticeable position so that if there is a leak, you will be able to see the water drain. When this occurs, there is a serious issue with your unit, and you need to have a professional take a look at it.

Feel the Larger of the Two Copper Lines

Checking to see if the larger copper line is cold, is one of the most efficient ways to test your ac after turning it back on. Doing this helps you check your system’s refrigerant levels.  Make sure not to rely just on the copper line being cold, scheduling refrigerant level check are recommended annually.

Check for Heat from the AC Unit

When checking for heat from your AC unit, hold your hand near its outer shell and feel for air being pushed out. If the air coming out of your AC unit is warmer than the air outside, then the heat from the inside of the house is being pushed out.

Trim Growth Around the AC Unit

Once you’ve turned the AC back on for the summer, it’s important to keep it running smoothly by keeping your unit clean and free of debris. We recommend trimming the growth around your unit leaving at least 12 inches between your unit and any plant growth. If you have trees nearby, be sure to trim their branches as well so they don’t block airflow through your vents.

HVAC Maintenance

Excess Movement

Excess movement may be one of the first signs that your system is working less effectively and should be serviced by a qualified technician. While checking your ac unit you may notice unusual vibrations coming from its casing or other parts as well as rattling sounds when adjusting certain controls such as temperature settings or mode switches on thermostats (if applicable). These can all be signs that something inside needs immediate attention from a professional service technician


We hope this guide has helped you prepare for the summer with confidence. In addition to the maintenance steps above, make sure to check your AC filters every one to two months and have your unit professionally inspected regularly. With a little bit of work and some basic care, you can keep your AC running smoothly all season long. If you need AC unit repair, give our team of professionals a call today! We at Dixon Heating & Air Conditioning are here to assist you with any AC problem you may have!

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